Event Building 101

Have you been thinking about adding events or retreats to your business model ? 
Do you dream of hosting live events and retreats but don't know where to start?
Would you like to learn our step-by-step process to create and strategize then sell
 out your live events?

If your answer is yes, we invite you to grab our Event Building Guidebook

Jennifer Ludington & Megan McCann
#1 Best-Selling Authors, Media Personalities & Online Business & Leadership Coaches for Women

GET STARTED ON YOUR DREAM, DIGITAL COURSE BUSINESS IN JUST 5 DAYS with FREE, daily instruction from a 7-figure course creator, no B.S. couple & online business coachesBart & Sunny Miller.

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Our FREE, 5-Day ZERO TO ONLINE COURSE Challenge Starts on March 22nd! 

Creating, strategizing, and implementing a unique transformational experience for your community gets to be simple and profitable.  

No more confusion about how to make your next live event a success.

We have every detail covered.

We know it seems like creating memorable live events that monetize is hard, but it's not. 

It Gets to Be Easy. 


 We're going to teach you our heart-centered & simple method where you don't have to be in overwhelm or confusion to create the magic of in-person connection.

After coaching women in business for over a decade, we know that creating EXPERIENCES are where customers become clients for life. 

It opens up freedom, expansion, and even more possibility for us women. 

We also believe that it gets to be easier than most of you are making it, much easier. 

What would be possible for you with a sold out event?

"First Month Working With Meg & Jen We Had A $14K Month. The Second Month, Well Over 20K!"

"One of the biggest shifts Meg & Jen helped me make in my business was focusing on the BEST NEXT STEP to generate the income I desired. Thank you Meg & Jen for reminding me that my soul's health is more important than carrying the weight of others. I've had some of the most playful and profitable months using my own internal compass." 

-Teshia Campbell, Co-Owner and Founder of Prosperity Sisters, LLC.

Have you been thinking about adding events or retreats to your business model ? 

If so, we highly recommend it. In fact, we might be so bold to say that NOT adding in person events to your business could one of the biggest mistakes you make.

We are living in a world where people are getting overwhelmed and exhausted by looking at screens all day long. What your customers are craving is real human connection. They want to be in your energy, feel you, and receive the wisdom you have to share. 

This is the power of creating experiences in your business. They are a MUST if you desire real connections and loyal customers.

When you host live events, people get to experience your essence. You create memories and experiences together. 

Events have and always will be the best part of what we do at Soul Ascend because we create real connections. We give a shit about the people in the room and we will do whatever it takes to see them, learn about them, and support them where they are at. This is not possible on zoom only experiences.

And this is how we have been able to create six figure events and retreats in our businesses. Yes, you can make six figures on one event!

So if you're sniffin' what we're scratchin', grab your Event Guidebook for your next steps to creating your next event.

Soul Ascend

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