The Business Leadership Journey

Just $2,197* Pay In Full Option Only*

Join The Business Leadership Journey For $497 Today Then $597 Per Month For 3 Months

*Event Pricing only!! - Price increases at Midnight on September 25th!

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$497 + $597x3
Here's what you get when you register for The Business Leadership Journey:
  • Access to 3 LIVE Sessions in Boise Idaho over a 90 day period
  • ​Ongoing supportive community throughout the journey
  • ​3 Live In-person trainings on our Sales Authority Method
  • Access to our private member Facebook Group
  • ​​Access to recorded Zoom Sessions (recordings available) if you can't make a session in person
  • ​Voxer accountability group
  • ​Monthly facebook video lessons guided by our Business Ascension Mastery Program
  • ​Access to our 16 module online B.A.M (Business Ascension Mastery) program 
  • ​$500 discount on our destination women's retreats
  • ​Our "Best Year Ever" Business Building Guidebook complete with video lessons, worksheets, templates, and tracking systems
  • ​​Opportunities to connect with other women in business for collaborations that convert to cash or contacts
  • ​FUN! We get down to business but there is a lot to celebrate. 

Gangster Witch Corp., DBA Soul Ascend

© 2020-23 | Gangster Witch Corp DBA Soul Ascend

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