The Business Leadership Journey - Zoom

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Join The Business Leadership Journey Zoom For $197 Today Then $297 Per Month For 3 Months

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$197 + $297x3
Here's what you get when you register for The Business Leadership Journey:
  • ​Session 1: Relationship Revenue
  • ​Session 2: Overcoming Objections
  • ​Session 3: The Fortune is in the Follow-Up 
  • ​3 Live Zoom trainings on our Sales Authority Method (framework is above)
  • ​Ongoing supportive community throughout the journey
  • ​Voxer accountability group
  • ​​​​Opportunities to connect with other women in business and collaborate
  • ​FUN! We get down to business but there is a lot to celebrate. 

Gangster Witch Corp., DBA Soul Ascend

© 2020-23 | Gangster Witch Corp DBA Soul Ascend

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